5 different foods for 5 different moods

Ever find yourself lying in bed, eyes-wide open at 2am, wondering if that Red Bull at 4:30pm the previous afternoon was such a good idea? Or scoffed a few choccies at 3pm only to feel starving again at 3:15?

I have. And it often affects my plans to power through my afternoon of work, or have a successful few hours of study.

But it’s kind of hard to whip yourself up a super healthy, gluten-free, vegan, chia seed, açaí berry smoothie that you know will be just fab for you and sustain you for everything that needs doing that day. Sometimes that just isn’t an option.

So, depending on what needs doing, here are some snacks that are a little easier to get your hands on.


If you need to:           Boost concentration levels for a study session.

Eat:                             Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains natural elements, including caffeine, which have been proven to boost blood flow to key areas in the brain and increase concentration. Just be sure to check the ingredient content; we’re looking for more cocoa, less sugar here.


If you need to:           Get to sleep before an exam tomorrow.

Eat:                             Decaf, herbal tea – Chamomile or Green is best.

Both Green and Chamomile tea contain natural components which assist the body in shutting down and getting to sleep, including the Theanine in Green Tea. Just ensure you pick up the decaf kind. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers talks more about teas and other sleep remedies in this Women’s Weekly article.


If you need to:           Shake that fluey feeling that’s been hanging around for weeks

Eat:                             Garlic

The antibacterial and antiviral compounds in garlic will help to fight off that flu that too often plagues our bodies at this stressful time of year. Raw, crushed garlic is best, as the compounds are strongest in this form. Not totally keen on the flavour? Cook it up in a spaghetti bolognaise; just pop it in the pan at the same time as the onions and cook until you can smell the fumes coming out.


If you need to:           Conquer a hangover

Eat:                             Bananas

Basically, Bananas contain Potassium, which is one of the chemicals that can become seriously depleted after a big night. Bananas will also give you a kick of energy because of the sugar content, so these are great on a Sunday when you’re looking back on some fun (but foggy) memories of last night, and looking forward to the assignment you need to start and finish that day. Check out last week’s post on some other ideas to fight a hangover here.


If you need to:           Perk up and get your positive outlook back

Eat:                             High and complex carbohydrate food

Before you rush out for the donuts or creamy pasta, consider that the high saturated fat, sugar and salt contents in such foods can work against you and actually create a sugar low. Instead, opt for whole wheat bread, which has been proven to increase levels of serotonin in the body (the chemical which improves mood, reduces irritability and helps us sleep better). For the ultimate happy food combo try a whole wheat sandwich with chicken or turkey, which contain Tryptophan, another serotonin enhancer.

What about you? What’s your go to food for a guaranteed mood fix?

3 responses to “5 different foods for 5 different moods

    • Thanks for the comments Sarah! I’ve checked out a number of your posts and they’re fantastic! Love your work and what you guys are campaigning for 🙂

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